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Our Newest Dreamers

- New Release -
- New Release -

About Daycare Diaries

The Dare to Dream series was created with the intent to inspire young minds to reach for the stars.  Every child deserves a beautiful book in which they can see themselves in the characters being portrayed. Whether it be a little boy wanting to be a medical physician, or a little girl telling us her dream to become an engineer! Our goal is to make sure that every child has a book that represents who they are, and who they can become, and as our motto says

Never. Stop. Dreaming!

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These books are so inspiring! I love that my kids now want to read everyday!

The Dare to Dream series is exactly what I've been looking for! My sons love both the reading books and coloring books. 

Wow! I love seeing my kids excited to read! I can't wait for the next set of books to come out!

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